Our Story
1914 - 1938
A History of Film in Aberfeldy

A History of Film in Aberfeldy

The first record of a public film screening in Aberfeldy is of a British Army recruitment film played at the Town Hall in 1914 by the Black Watch Regiment. Anyone…

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The Original Birks Cinema

The Original Birks Cinema

The original Birks Cinema opened on 3rd July 1939, just a few weeks before the outbreak of World War II. Built by Strathmore Picture Houses, Aberfeldy town square was now…

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1981 - 2005
The End of the Cinema in Aberfeldy?

The End of the Cinema in Aberfeldy?

Sadly by the 1980s – as with many cinemas around the country – The Birks Cinema became uneconomic to run as even the addition of twice-weekly bingo sessions failed to…

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A Community Rallies Around

A Community Rallies Around

Cue a small group of Aberfeldy film-obsessed and cinema-deprived local residents – members of the Heartland Film Society – who dared to dream when they saw the For Sale board…

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A Major Renovation Project

A Major Renovation Project

Requiring multiple funders to raise the £1.8 million for the cinema’s renovation, the Friends of The Birks Cinema Board faced many challenges… not least ensuring the total was reached by…

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An Award Winning Relaunch

An Award Winning Relaunch

On Saturday 20th April 2013, The Birks Cinema’s doors opened again to the public – one of the first independent cinemas in the UK to be totally renovated and re-opened. Movies…

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The Birks Cinema Today

The Birks Cinema Today

Hopes for the return of big screen entertainment to the heart of Perthshire proved well founded with both locals and visitors taking the new Birks Cinema to their hearts. Today this…

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