To continue to offer the magic of cinema and a host of community activities The Birks Cinema Trust needs the ongoing support of customers, volunteers and other members of the community.
There are numerous ways to get involved with the Birks Cinema Trust - please see the pages below. The easiest way to help secure your community cinema’s future is by becoming a subscription Member of The Birks Cinema Trust.
As a Birks Cinema Trust Member you’ll get advance notice of special events and invites to programme preview evenings. You will also obtain voting rights at the Trust’s AGM.
Be assured, your contribution will go directly to maintaining and developing this unique community entertainment hub.
Become a Trust Member
For a minimum membership fee of £2.50 a month or £30 a year, you can become a Member of The Birks Cinema Trust. Of course, you can make a higher donation – there is no upper limit!
To become a Member of the Birks Cinema Trust, view the Birks Cinema Trust Member page.
Donate to the Trust
Learn how you can contribute to the Birks and help support the local community