Welcome to the Trust

Thank you! We have received your submission.

Depending on the payment method selected, please do one of the following:

Direct Debit

  1. Download the following Direct Debit form - Direct Debit form

  2. Complete the form with the necessary info, including signature

  3. And either:

    • Scan the completed form and send to finance@birkscinema.co.uk

    • Or, mail the completed form to:

      The Birks Cinema
      c/o Finance Team
      1 Dunkeld St
      PH15 2DA, Aberfeldy

Standing Order or BACS

Setup a recurring standing order (monthly or yearly) for the amount you selected for:

CAF Bank Ltd
Sort Code 83-91-46
Account Number 20400113


  1. Write a cheque, addressed to "The Birks Cinema Trust" for the amount you selected.

  2. Mail the cheque, or drop it off in-person to:

    The Birks Cinema
    c/o Finance Team
    1 Dunkeld St
    PH15 2DA, Aberfeldy