
Thank you! We have received your submission.

Please not that if you have previously setup a Standing Order and wish to change the amount you donate, you will need to edit the Standing Order with your bank.

If you have changed the payment method, please do one of the following:

Direct Debit

  1. Download the following Direct Debit form - Direct Debit form

  2. Complete the form with the necessary info, including signature

  3. And either:

    • Scan the completed form and send to

    • Or, mail the completed form to:

      The Birks Cinema
      c/o Finance Team
      1 Dunkeld St
      PH15 2DA, Aberfeldy

Standing Order or BACS

Setup a recurring standing order (monthly or yearly) for the amount you selected for:

CAF Bank Ltd
Sort Code 83-91-46
Account Number 20400113


  1. Write a cheque, addressed to "The Birks Cinema Trust" for the amount you selected.

  2. Mail the cheque, or drop it off in-person to:

    The Birks Cinema
    c/o Finance Team
    1 Dunkeld St
    PH15 2DA, Aberfeldy